Thursday, September 21, 2023

Fynn is... Driving??


I can't believe I am actually the mother of a teenage driver!

How did my little boy grow up so fast??

Yes, little boy who made all those planet models and rode his bike all over the mountains is now driving!
We just spent the summer letting Fynn drive us around town, and that was really fun. Now, let me tell you, he is probably the safest driver I know! He knows the traffic laws better than you or I, and has a map in his head!
While he was studying for his permit, Fynn had to take an intensive online safety course, which was extremely difficult and emotionally draining. But he wanted to overcome, so he pushed through it, at his own pace, and finally got to the end!
We are so proud of Fynn and who he has become!
Last Spring, Fynn was invited to be a guest speaker at a local school's Pi Day celebration, where he recited 1000 digits of pi and did other math tricks to get kids excited about math. (He actually knows 4800+ but there wasn't time for that.) At the end everyone cheered and I never heard such an applause!

And as always, Fynn loves a challenge. He has his own YouTube channel where he speed solves ridiculously big Rubik's cubes. Check it out!

So, that's what Fynn's up to these days :)

Happy Learning!


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