Thursday, September 27, 2018

Hills & Angles... Making Old Toys New!

The kids are back to studying hills again...
This summer Fynn got rid of his training wheels AND got a bigger bike...
Rico has been taking the kids all over town and their favorite thing is to ride up & down "Taft Hill", which Fynn says is 13 degrees.
Another steep hill in town is Trilby Hill, about 16 degrees. Bingham Hill is probaby about 15 degrees, Fynn says. Overland hill is only 9 degrees, and West Vine Hill: 6 degrees.

Lombard Hill (in San Fransisco) is about 21 degrees. "That's pretty steep, right?" says Fynn. We drove down that one a couple years ago.
Baxter Hill (in Los Angeles) is about 35 degrees! We got excited about watching The Little Rascals again, because they roll their "fire truck" down it...
Baldwin Hill (in New Zealand) is the steepest residential street in the WORLD and it's about 45 degrees! Fynn's new goal is to ride his bike up Baldwin Hill, and to practice, he has been riding up Taft Hill on the highest gear!

The kids have been building all levels of hills with the train tracks, all over the yard and in the house.
I had been tackling the enormous project of trying to sort through the mountains of old toys in the closet~ they were all mixed up, dirty and buried...
I finally got some of them sorted into these nice lidded bins...
They slid nicely underneath their *new* bunk bed...

...And it was like Christmas!
To the kids, it was like having brand new toys around!
And that is why they went right ahead building hills with the train tracks...

Rowan was very excited about the Legos, also in their new box, and began building special and fun "places". He was so happy. It was very sweet.

It's hard to see in the picture, but this track is filled with a succession of hills in different sizes~ all modeled after the different hills we have been talking about.
There were cardboard hills too, and Fynn's chalk drawings.
All in all, I'm very glad I didn't throw away those old toys after all! You know, everyone says, if you don't use it in a year, throw it away, but our family tends to do things in cycles. When they're bored with one thing, we can always find something new, or even better than new! All it takes is a little organization.
Happy learning!

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